And this is for colored girls who have considered everything, including suicide, when the rainbow is never enuf

Saturday, June 5, 2010


As all of my friends know I read a lot... Like a lot, a lot... I read any- and everything... I read the paper, I read online articles, and of course, I read books. Lots and lots of books. Good books, bad books, and even books in between the two... I am dedicating this blog to all the books that helped me grow and become the woman that I am.

This blog is a result of a seven-day social media fast. Over the course of one week, I read four books. Namely, The Miseducation of the Negro, Mama Day, A Lesson Before Dying and A Gathering of Old Men.

My first four posts will be about the books I read during my fast, then I will be moving onto books that are of importance to me--- the books that changed my life. Actually, my first post will be the Ten Books Every Black Girl Who Reads Should Read... 

Join me... Comment... But more importantly, read... Because READING IS FUN...DAMENTAL

With no further ado, I present to some and introduce to others: Black Girls Read

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